The Australian award-winning drama Somersault (2004) stars Abbie Cornish as a sixteen-year-old blonde siren who struggles to find the divide between lust and love, as she tries to use sex to get whatever she desires. But don't feel too guilty about craving this alluring enchantress, as the actress was a three years legal, twenty-one year old during filming. Abbie plays Heidi, an Aussie teen tossed out of her house for being too sexually alluring for her mom's (Olivia Pigeot) boyfriend to control himself around. She flees to a ski resort, and tries to use her sexuality to secure a high paying gig at one of the mountain's fancier hotels. It doesn't work, so she gets stuck working at a gas station after her prostitution attempt goes awry. But after she meets the handsome Joe (Sam Worthington), it looks like Heidi will leave her hoe days behind. Will she stay faithful or fornicate with the next dude she thinks she can get something out of? Stick with the flick for a while, because it takes a full forty six minutes to see our first slip of nip. But don't worry, once Somersault gets rolling, there's plenty of explicit scenes from Abbie. We see the little dish named Abbie Cornish topless in the bath, and having some outdoor sex that makes her nips rock hard. There's also some ass as she goes chasing after some guy without any pants on, although he hits the gas and peels away on her ass! Dummy! We could never leave a girl with a rear like that in the rear view mirror! You'll be dying to get naked and roll around with Abbie after watching her work in Somersault!