The Brazilian series Novela, or Soap Opera, debuted on Amazon Prime in the summer of 2023 and stars Monica Iozzi as Isabel, an aspiring writer whose dream is to write a novel. Since it's next to impossible to get such a break when starting out, she takes a job working for Lauro (Miguel Falabella), a once accomplished novelist who is now working as the head writer on a popular soap opera. After a rough start, Isabel finds her footing in the soap opera world, but it isn't long before she realizes that Lauro is stealing most of her best ideas to incorporate into his own novel!
The seriously sexy Monica Iozzi is a scene stealer in every way, but sadly she doesn't doff her duds on the series! She does give great cleavage in a swimsuit and also shows off in her panties, but you're going to have to use your imagination if you want to work up a lather to this Soap Opera!