A contractor named Thomas and his wife, Sandra, are planning for their retirement together in Spain. Thomas is making a transition from the best years of his life to a midlife crisis. He winds up getting distracted with his fascination for a young girl named Nina, who is as old as some of his adult daughters. Nina turns up pregnant one day, and Thomas sees the news of his new fatherhood as a sign that he needs to face the inevitability of his own aging.
Ina Paula Klink plays Nina, Thomas’ young mistress. In the film when the two are in bed together, Thomas cozies up to her petite nips after a missionary bang session. There’s also a switch to her riding him cowgirl style with more shots of only her breasts. Reife Leistung (2007) translates to ‘mature performance,’ and while aging Thomas provides the ‘mature’ aspect, Klink brings the kink he’s looking for in his life.