L’Ogre (1986) is a French horror movie about a young girl haunted by nightmares of a demonic ogre in the cellar. We’re more interested what’s in the garage. You know how the car company says they’re built Ford Tough? Well, if their vehicles looks even a fraction as fine as Jessica Forde does in this movie, then that’s all we’d be driving. As it is, we’d love to take Jessica out for a spin. She’s our type of girl: big breasted, curvy and slender of form and not preoccupied with convention. For example, here she is completely nude in the woods, and after you see her deeply dark and mysterious patch of pubes, you’ll get wood. All she’s wearing in this scene in a necklace and it took repeated viewings to see it over the full, round nd high-rising perfection of her boobs. So much to appreciate from this talented actress.