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Illegal Woman

Illegal Woman (2020)

Brief Nudity

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The Spanish film La Dona Illegal, or Illegal Woman (2020), centers on Fernando Vila (Daniel Faraldo), a Spanish immigration lawyer who spends his days helping his third world clients attain Visas and proper documentation to emigrate to Spain. His friend Carla (Àngels Bassas) brings him a new client, a Kosovar woman named Zita (Klaudia Dudová) who came to Spain to start a new life with her Spanish boyfriend but who is now facing deportation over charges of obtaining money for sex. Fernando meets with Zita and agrees to represent her, thinking that she's got a strong case, but when she is transferred to a CIE—an immigration detention center—just before her trial is set to begin, she suddenly turns up dead. The guards and officials at the prison all claim that Zita took her own life, but when her boyfriend is also found murdered, Fernando begins to think there might be a bigger conspiracy at play. Now, with the help of Zita's friend Juliet (Yolanda Sey), Fernando will attempt to uncover the rot at the core of the country's immigration system and just how many bodies they're willing to let pile up rather than begin to reform their system from within. The word harrowing only begins to describe the content of this intense film, though thankfully Yolanda Sey is able to alleviate some of the depression by baring her big beautiful breasts in the flick! Within the context of the film, it's a scene that's just as depressing as the rest of the film, but here at Mr. Skin—devoid of all context—it's a damn sexy scene!