At the turn of the millennium, movie goers flocked to see the PG-13 comedy Heartbreakers (2001), not to be confused with the R rated drama Heartbreakers (1984). The bouncy box office hit centers around a mother and daughter who work together as con-artists. Under the aliases of Angela Nardino and Ulga Yevanova, MILF Max (Sigourney Weaver) takes the lessons she learned from her mentor (Anne Bancroft) to bewitch wealthy men until they propose to her. Then, her busty offspring Page (Jennifer Love Hewitt) uses her charms to seduce them. Next, Max plays victim for being scorned and the rich dudes lose their shirts to pay her for their infidelity. As you can guess, the risky romp pops with sensual shenanigans as the leading ladies go after their goals. In fact, when the stacked stunners target tobacco tycoon William B. Tensy (Gene Hackman), they pull out all the stops. In other words, we get to see Sigourney strut her stuff in a lace corset and thigh-high stockings. Needless to say, her sexy getup is guaranteed to get Willy off! No wonder Ms. Weaver nabbed a Satellite Award nomination for her revealing role. Not to be upstaged, Ms. Hewitt’s portrayal pulled in a Teen Choice Award nomination. No doubt, she looks choice when cozying up to Vinny Staggliano (Ray Liotta). The skintastic act includes views of her heaving cleavage and panty-hanging buns. How cheeky! The movie also includes Max’s lawyer (Carrie Fisher) and waitress Linda (Sarah Silverman) who serves up some of the fun!