The erotic thriller Guarded Secrets (1997) kicks off with Pace Bradley (Mark Long) giving the old hoo-hah to Tracy (gorgeous Gabriella Hall) in a hotel room. Alas, the next morning the "ha-ha" is on him when he awakes to find that his pick-up has taken off with his wallet and, worse, his car. Pace hitches a ride with the head lifeguard of what must be the most glamorous pool in the universe, and soon thereafter our hero gets a gig eyeballing bathing beauties all day to prevent them from drowning (which, considering the chesty female cast, isn't that great a danger to begin with). Since life seems too sweet and easy, our feckless lifeguard sets out to seduce a psychotic gangster's wife (Lesli Kay Sterling). Sparks fly, clothes come off, and when it comes to the comeliness of the starlets on board, there are no Guarded Secrets.