Drei mit Herz (1999) is a German TV series. It’s the kind of show that takes place a lot in the bathroom. Bettina Kupfer is in the bubble bath, a classic place for any beauty, and she is a beauty. Her tits floating just above the water line. Her short blonde hair framing her attractive face. Her sweet talk, even in the guttural tones of German, as her man watches her soak. It all adds up to the kind of wholesome sexuality that makes us bust a nut. He begins to massage her feet (a good start), and Bettina is appreciative. At least she looks like she is, until playfully splashing her man with soapy water. That can sting. But we bet he’ll get her back with an eyeful of sperm. If not Bettina, then Marieke Brüggmann, who offers a semi-obscured but no less hot view of her full-frontal fineness. And the third is the charming Heike Falkenberg, who is also behind a shower curtain, but still naked. The bathroom is the best room in the house, isn’t it?