Divines (2016) is a French crime drama written and directed by Houda Benyamina and starring Oulaya Amamra, Déborah Lukumuena, and Kevin Mischel. The film follows a teenager from a dysfunctional home who is living on the streets of Paris. When the girl meets a young dancer, her whole world is changed. Divines won the Golden Camera awards at the Cannes Film Festival in 2016. The juicy Jisca Kalvanda gets sexy and stripped down in this French flick for her role as Rebecca. Jisca shows off her bodacious boobies in just a skimpy bikini in a breathtaking underwater scene. Jisca gives us another look at that captivating cleavage while relaxing in a bubble bath. Unfortunately those pesky bubbles keep her pretty covered up but either way, this is one bath scene that has got us feeling pretty dirty!