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Convict (2014)

No Nudity


The Australian crime drama Convict (2014) follows Ray (George Basha), a war veteran who is convicted of manslaughter for killing a man while defending his fiancé (Millie Rose Haywood). He is sentenced to 18 months in Parramatta Prison, one of the original prisons on the continent, where he faces a ruthless prison boss (David Field) hell bent on breaking Ray and making him play by his rules, even going so far as to threaten his fiancé! Millie Rose Haywood has a harrowing but sexy scene where she strips to show that she's not carrying anything into the prison with her on a visit to see Ray. She shows some sensational cleavage, both top and bottom, as she strips down, even removing her bra, but keeping her back to the camera, unfortunately! Convict will leave your willy whipped!