Eight (2016) is an Australian drama that was written and directed by Peter Blackburn. This tells the story of a woman struggling with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. She has developed strong fears of the world outside of her home and struggles with interacting with people and even the smallest tasks like getting to work on time. She focuses her attention in the morning on her routine so that she can stick to it and get to work, but even the smallest things like taking a shower and getting dressed wind up being an emotionally taxing chore. This movie essentially lets us in on her struggle and her routine in a very in-depth way. The lovely Libby Munro plays Sarah Prentice, our leading lady, who shows off her OCD and her BB (boobs and buns) when she takes a shower. First, we are introduced to her ass when she takes off her pants to step into the water. Take a look at that derriere! She scrubs herself rigorously and keeps turning around in circles under the water, nervously showing off her perky nipples and buns. We then watch her get out of the shower and walk over to her bedroom to get dressed where she puts on a black bra and a purple sweater. Sadly, those two things hide her boobs for the rest of the movie, but we are grateful to have seen Libby liberated from clothes for a while there. Libby Munro is more than an Eight - she is a perfect ten!