Born on November 3, 1966, in Hamburg, Germany, Caroline Beil is probably best known in her native Germany for her appearance on the first season of the Survivor-esque reality-TV show Ich bin ein Star, holt mich hier raus! (2004), which means I'm a Star, Get Me Out of Here! She can come over to Skin Central if she'll keep wearing the small bikini bottoms that hugged her tight ass on that show. She's also done some film work. She played "Astonished Girl" in Lobster Man from Mars (1989) and went on to score credits in works such as Eine Frau wird gejagt (1995), Ein ehrenwertes Haus (1998), Beauty Queen (2004), Gute Zeiten, schlechte Zeiten (2006), Alle lieben Jimmy (2006), Storm of Love (2007), Love Greeting of an Angel (2008), Inga Lindström (2008), 112 - Sie retten dein Leben (2009), and In aller Freundschaft (2010). It's on the boob tube that Caroline finally showed off her boobs, specifically in the crime drama Die Wache back in 1999. That's the one and only time that Caroline has flashed her ta-ta's and her bare bum, and the hairy palms at Skin Central have preserved it for your viewing pleasure. Some of Caroline's more recent credits include works such as The Last Cop (2011), Herzflimmern - Liebe zum Leben (2011), Heiter bis tödlich - Akte Ex (2012), Dora Heldt (2014), Into the Suite (2014), SOKO 5113 (2015), and Dengler (2015). Let's hope there are many more skintastic guest appearances for the beautiful Ms. Beil in the future.