If there's one thing we know for sure about German cinema, it's that it often dares to go much darker than nearly every other country's cinema, and the Netflix Original Black Island (2021) is no exception. The film opens with a woman being mauled to death by a dog, while another woman watches it go down without lifting a finger to stop it, which pretty much sets the tone for what follows. We soon discover that the murdered woman is the mother of our protagonist Jonas (Philip Froissant), who must now go and live with his only living relative—his cold and distant grandfather Friedrich (Hanns Zischler)—on the titular island. Jonas feels like an outcast in this new place, though he soon develops an attraction to one of his teachers, Helena (Alice Dwyer), who seems fun and outgoing in a way the other teachers don't. Of course, there's a supernatural element to his attraction as well, but the film doles all of that information out in a deliberate way, so we're not about to spoil the fun and surprises here in this review. Suffice it to say that Helena isn't all that she seems... but neither is Jonas! The gorgeous Alice Dwyer has a pair of sex scenes with her co-star and goes to some pretty extreme lengths to keep us from seeing her nipples. We get lots of sideboob in both scenes, but not a hint of nipple anywhere! Thankfully we do get a nice, albeit distant look at her bare ass when she walks into a kitchen, but that's about all the skin you're going to find on this Black Island!