The Australian drama 52 Tuesdays (2013) follows one year in the life of a family on the verge of collapse. Billie (Tilda Cobham-Hervey) is your typical 16-year old girl, but she must learn very quickly to fend for herself when her mother (Del-Herbert Jane) announces that she is going to begin gender reassignment therapy. As a result of this decision, her time with her daughter is limited to Tuesday afternoons, during which the two find they have next to nothing in common anymore! Well, nothing except a mutual love for women! Tilda Cobham-Hervey begins "experimenting" with lesbianism, having a sensationally sapphic makeout session with the lovely Imogen Archer! Sadly their torrid affair ends when a sex tape surfaces that show Archer having sex with a dude, though we do get a nice peek at her peepers! There's also a nice flash of fun bags and fanny from Danica Moors, the woman her mother takes up with during the gender reassignment!