The 2020 Oscar nominudes have been announced and here they are in their finest nude scenes. This playlist starts withOnce Upon a Hollywoodand its hot babes likeRebecca Gayheart.Scarlett Johanssonis nominated for two awards, but her best nudity was definitely inUnder the Skin.Laura Dernis nominated for her supporting role inMarriage Storyand while her cleavage is sexy, her sex scenes inWild at Heartis hot.Charlize Theronis nominated for a best actress award, but her breasts were best inReindeer Games.Kathy Batesalso has a supporting nom and went nude in a scene where she's nuts and covered in mud inAt Play in the Fields of the Lord.Florence Pughhad a skintastic year, but her best nudity was in 2016'sMarcella.Renee Zellwegeris nominated for a best actress award for her portrayal of Judy Garland, but she let her garlands out inThe Whole Truthwhen she briefly showed buns.Margot Robbieis nominated for her role inBombshell, but the blonde bombshell was boobs out inFocus.Saoirse Ronanis the leading lady inLittle Women, but she had her first nomination in 2017'sLady Birdin which she hung out in her underwear. SexyScarlett Johanssonis in her undies inMarriage Storywhich earns her a best actress nomination. These nominudes are all winners!
Sexy & Nude Celebrity Playlists 1,545