Ever wished you had an identical twin, someone you could swap lives with when your own got too tough? Don't, because it doesn't work out very well for the heroine of the USA original series The Lying Game (2011-). Emma (Alexandra Chando) always knew she was adopted, but is shocked to discover that not only does she have an identical twin sister, but that sister, Sutton (also played by Chando), was adopted by a wealthy family and is living a life of luxury. When Sutton offers to let Emma step into her shoes for a few days while she goes searching for their birth mother, Emma gladly accepts, but when her sister doesn't return as promised, Emma faces quite a conundrum. Boob tube regular Charisma Carpenter co-stars alongside hot mom Helen Slater and shapely brunette Alice Greczyn, but without any real nudity, these liar, liars won't set your pants on fire.