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Charisma Carpenter

Charisma Carpenter Nude

Great Nudity!

Keywords: Great Nudity!, White, Brunette Hair, Large Breasts, Fake Breasts, Average Body

Nude Roles: 2

Birthplace: Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Date of Birth: 07/23/70

26 Blog Posts for this celebrity

Top Charisma Carpenter Scenes

Flirting with Danger (2006) Nude, butt Charismatic can as revealed when Carpenter seduces a dude by dropping her robe and showing off her unbelievable butt! (16 secs)
Veronica Mars (2004-2019) Sexy, bikini Ep. 02x01 Charisma definitely lives up to her name, strutting around the pool in a well-filled black bikini before taking a delicious dip. (1 min)
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Named after a perfume, the fragrant Charisma Carpenter first caught our notice shaking her pom-poms as a cheerleader for the NFL's San Diego Chargers. She was electrifying, which led to an appearance on the swimsuit drama Baywatch in 1994. This babe went straight-to-video in Josh Kirby... Time Warrior: Chapters 1, 2 and 6 (1995), whatever that is. That led to small-screen success on the girl-friendly confines of Buffy the Vampire Slayer and its arousing spinoff Angel. It also means that the young beauty had only hinted at her true talents—those twin titans that she cruelly kept under wraps. Her wraps tended to be of the skimpy variety, thankfully, and when bikini-bound, the girl just couldn't help bouncing. Her assets down below, however, finally sauntered in front of an obliging camera in 2006 for the TV action movie Flirting with Danger. There's a lot of charisma in those cheeks. The big moment for Charisma's cans came in 2015, when she starred in the Fifty Shades of Grey knock-off Bound (2015)! Charisma threw caution to the wind, doffing her duds and revealing her sensational suck sacks several times throughout the film! Her bra size is listed as C, but those look like DDs to us. Sadly, Charisma has since focused on G and PG fare like A Horse Tale (2015), Mommy's Secret (2016), and Pegasus: Pony with a Broken Wing (2019), but still her boobs seemed ready to burst out in every scene. Although she's clearly full of Charisma, this babe's definitely a Carpenter because she's given us some major wood!


Bound (2015) - as Michelle

Nude, breasts 00:36:35 This lengthy scene in an S&M dungeon gives us plenty of looks at Charisma's tig ol' bitties! (1 min 16 secs)
Nude, breasts, butt 00:59:54 Charisma gets it on again, giving us some great looks at her breasts and butt! (1 min 4 secs)
Nude, breasts 00:00:13 A sensational look at Charisma's boobs during the opening titles! We also get another look at the end of the scene as she puts her robe on! (13 secs)

Psychosis (2010) - as Susan

Flirting with Danger (2006) - as Laura Clifford

Nude, butt Charismatic can as revealed when Carpenter seduces a dude by dropping her robe and showing off her unbelievable butt! (16 secs)

What Boys Like (2001) - as Kim

TV Shows

The Lying Game (2011-2013) - as Ann Rebecca Sewell

Big Shots (2007-2008) - as Janelle Johns

Burn Notice (2007-2011) - as Nicki Skyler

Veronica Mars (2004-2019) - as Kendall Casablancas

CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (2000-2015) - as Mink

Angel (1999-2004) - as Cordelia Chase

Charmed (1998-2006) - as Kira / The Seer

Buffy the Vampire Slayer (1997-2003) - as Cordelia Chase

Baywatch (1989-2003) - as Wendie Sanders

Malibu Shores - as Ashley Green

Miss Match - as Serena Lockner

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