The Big O

From Marilyn and Twiggy to Pamela and Madonna to Paris and Resse, these actresses have forever donned the iconic blonde to make a statement: they're sex symbols on earth and from the grave. Long silky legs up to a tiny waist, pert breasts, and topped off with some luscious locks of beautiful golden hair. What is it about this look that keeps the boys attention? It's a classic, tried and true, and it's been working effectively on men and women alike for generations.

Natural blonds are sweet, easy going, but used to getting a lot of attention. Unnatural blonds know exactly why they do it, some to keep up the color of their childhood, and the rest just love the thrill of catching an eye.

I had a chat with Mr. Skin the other day, and I asked him what he thought. He didn't want to admit it at first, but while blondes were his choice back in the day his taste has leaned more towards the brunette side with age. Very interesting. Thus confirms my suspicions that blondes are nice to look at, but as you mature there is much more of an allure on the dark side of things. Many stars may be born a blonde but very rarely do they stay one forever.

Many ladies take the plunge, weather it be from blonde to brunette or vice versa. Some people can be a chameleon and pull off any shade, but then there are those who should just stick with what works best. For instance, and this is blasphemous for me to say, but Lindsay with light hair is not nearly as flattering while Angelina and Carmen should never go blonde again. Cameron and Gwyneth can carry the blonde look better than black and I hope Amy Winehouse stays black and never goes back. Then there are Charlize, Scarlett and Sienna, who are gorgeous either way.

Oh how wonderful it was the day I made the switch, it took a long time to get the brass titties to do it, but when I did... the sassy McFrassy bitch supreme in me came out and what a sight it was. Why oh why did I try so hard to keep that up? This is much more fitting. My time as a blondie was fun while it lasted and I took every advantage I could to use it but it was time for me to graduate, if you will. I will miss using my classic "Blonde moment" excuse though.

Brunettes and blondes have been at war for a long time- the Bitches vs the Bimbos as I like to call it. Blondes think that brunettes are bitchy because they don't get the same kind of attention that they do, where as brunettes see the blondes as the ditzy, dumb counterpart, parading their hotness around so they don't have to know anything about anything, simply because they don't have to.

This is where dark haired lovelies differ where there's something about the mystery in that darkness that can grab you by the balls from across the room. They don't have to try and flaunt to get your attention; they demand it from where they stand. My personal favorite would have to be the dark Irish look, like Jennifer Connelly, another classic beauty. As well as the enchanting Italian and Latin persuasion, like Salma Hayek and Monica Bellucci- saucy and with a natural spice.

I'm not going to get through this whole post without saying I've done the redhead thing too- and I will say it takes a lot to adorn the title of a ginger. They're feisty, lively, funny and stubborn. But it's these qualities that make them stand out so much more than the others. I love Julianne Moore, Isla Fisher, Laura Prepon and of course the original redhead, Miss Lindsay. Molly Ringwald really deserves kudos though, as she was the Queen redhead of the 80's.

The bottom line is that I love them all for very different reasons; blondes are fun, brunettes are sultry and redheads are great in the sack.

What's your favorite? Write me at and tell me who you prefer.

Many thanks to Chris Roo for his amazing photography, for more of his work please visit: