Superstore, residing in the NBC comedy lineup, takes an approach similar to the likes of Community and The Office - it's a workplace series, this time setting up shop at Cloud 9 (the fictional version of a Target or Walmart). America Ferrera helms this show as Amy, a working mom trying to make ends meet while making a low hourly wage, and a collection of hilarious employees (complete with the requisite newbie who feels a little out of place). Big Box stores like this one luckily leave plenty of room for sexy moments, like when Lauren Ash showed off her lingerie from under a sexy cop costume, but Jolene Purdy upped the ante in a later episode, by showing off some areola while breastfeeding! That's super, store! While these shots are enough to utilize the pause feature on your remote a few times, it never quite reaches the level of masturbation fuel that warrants a label of Hall of Fame Nudity. Nonetheless, judging by this series' high ratings there's little to no doubt there's plenty of entertainment value to keep on coming back for more. A little-known fact is that the pilot of this show was filmed in a functioning K-Mart during operating hours. Customers would approach the cast and crew to ask them which aisles certain items were in between scenes. It's a charming tidbit of information really. K-Mart may not have met its demise had it featured the amount of skin-ful content that this show has. Superstore may very well get you to make a super mess in your pants!