Also going by the title Gold Diggers, this series centers on a young artist named Dasha Smirnova (Sofya Ernst) moves to the sexy metropolis of Moscow and joins up with an old school friend who immerses her in a world of wealth and glamour that covers the city’s malevolent underbelly of greed and corruption. This scandalous series caused quite a stir in its home country of Russia due to its level of graphic nudity that some fans equated to HBO’s Game of Thrones, thanks to its original exclusivity via streaming (where racier content is more well-received). Always good news for Skin fans, who get to see bare breasted stars Darya Moroz (as criminal investigator Elena Shirokova) and Marina Zudina (as politician’s mistress Mila Dolgachova). But the real winner is Ellina Bandeeva as Tanya, showing her tits and ass as a sexy model who goes from posing to poking. You’ll be stroganoff your own beef watching these ravishing Russian dishes!