Mid-October, as you can see from these films, is a mixed bag of horror flicks, quasi-horror flicks, comedies, dramas, dramedies, and a whole bunch of great nudity!

2015: I Smile Back

Sarah Silverman made a push for serious dramatic actress status with this harrowing look at addiction and the lengths to which people will go to feed that addiction. Early in the flick, Sarah does some blow off the back of a toilet before checking out her breasts in the mirror, holding them up, and just generally giving us some time to drink those babies in...

On This Day in Movie Nudity History: October 23On This Day in Movie Nudity History: October 23

At the 26 minute mark, we also see Sarah at one of her lowest points in the film, pleasuring herself with her daughter's teddy bear on the floor of her daughter's room...

On This Day in Movie Nudity History: October 23

2015: Julia

This deeply disturbing thriller finds a mild-mannered woman (Ashley C. Williams) going from victim to victimizer following a horrific attack she suffered at the hands of some ruffians, luring men to her with her body, seducing, and then destroying their lives. Despite the brutal content, there's some great looks at Ashley's ample breasts, including an especially bloody one which skingoria fans should go nuts over...

On This Day in Movie Nudity History: October 23On This Day in Movie Nudity History: October 23

2009: Antichrist

Ten years ago today, Danish provocateur Lars von Trier unleashed one of his most wicked films on the world. Antichrist opens with Charlotte Gainsbourg and Willem Dafoe's couple having sex in the shower while their toddler son plummets to his death out an open window while Handel blares on the soundtrack. It's all very artsy thanks to von Triersplicing actual penetrative sexwith shots of Dafoe and Gainsbourg, with Mandy Starship standing in for the latter...

On This Day in Movie Nudity History: October 23

Rather than going their separate ways after this tragedy, Dafoe doubles down and brings Gainsbourg to the woods to exorcise her grief through some unorthodox psychological techniques. Long story short, she ends up smashing his testicles with a stone, making him ejaculate blood, and then snipping off her own clitoris. It doesn't make much more sense in context, but there you have von Trier's edgelord manifesto. Thankfully Charlotte Gainsbourg is as game as ever, baring all as she masturbates in the woods following disappointing sex with Dafoe, and walking around bottomless in the film's climax...

On This Day in Movie Nudity History: October 23On This Day in Movie Nudity History: October 23

1998: Orgazmo

21 years ago, the South Park guys' takedown of the adult film industry and Mormonism hit a handful of theaters. Thanks to the film's NC-17 rating, most theaters wouldn't show the film despite Trey Parker and Matt Stone assuming that if they avoided showing a lot of nudity, they'd be able to skirt by with an R. There is a brief look at Juli Ashton's breasts before a man's bare ass blocks the entire frame...

On This Day in Movie Nudity History: October 23

Plus there's the pasties-wearing pair of Yumiko KumashiroAnna Kazuki as the villainous Ass Fuck Twins...

On This Day in Movie Nudity History: October 23

And adult star Chasey Lain even flashed a titty for the camera in some behind the scenes footage...

On This Day in Movie Nudity History: October 23

1998: Last Night

Canadian writer/director/actor Don McKellar's first feature film was also released on this day 21 years ago, bringing us some knockout nudity from the Great White North! Set on the eve of the new millennium, the film follows a disparate group of people awaiting the eminent end of the world at the stroke of midnight, each dealing with it in their own way. Those that mask the pain with sex are our favorites, like the topless twosome of Tracy Wright and Karen Glave, both of whom make this one a must-see turn of the century Canadian dramedy!

On This Day in Movie Nudity History: October 23On This Day in Movie Nudity History: October 23

1987: The Sicilian

32 years ago today, director Michael Cimino continued his plummet from Oscar darling to disgraced director with this adaptation of a less-than-stellar novel by Mario Puzo (The Godfather). Christopher Lambert, who was born on Long Island but raised in Geneva, Switzerland, plays Sicilian thug SalvatoreGiuliano—okay, sure—in this truncated adaptation of Puzo's tale of the Sicilian Robin Hood.Thankfully the gorgeous Barbara Sukowa was on hand to show off every single inch of her naked body in the film's sexiest scene...

On This Day in Movie Nudity History: October 23On This Day in Movie Nudity History: October 23

1981: The Pit

Finally on this day 38 years ago came thischilling tale that was also a Canadian export, telling the sordid story of a pre-teen boy who exacts revenge on those who've wronged him by feeding them to a pack of creatures he's dubbed Trogs that live in a pit in the woods. His poor babysitter played by Jeannie Elias shows some nip before ending up in the pit...

On This Day in Movie Nudity History: October 23

We also get a great look at Laura Hollingsworth's hellaciously hot hooters in the mirror...

On This Day in Movie Nudity History: October 23

Along with the impeccable pair attached to the gorgeous Jennifer Lehman...

On This Day in Movie Nudity History: October 23