A quintet of, shall we say, lesser known titles all share an anniversary today, and all of them of legal drinking age in the year 2020! Let's take a look back at all theskinsational titles released on January 29 in Movie Nudity History!
1999: The 24 Hour Woman
Rosie Perez is the titular non-stop female in this flick, the youngest we're looking at today, released on this day 21 years ago. Rosie plays the host of a daytime talk show with a decidedly female slant, and her nefarious producer—played by the always nefarious Patti LuPone—exploits Rosie's pregnancy to amp up her ratings. Of course, this pushes her to be a, you guessed it, 24 Hour Woman! Roll credits!
In the early days of being a mom, Rosie struggles with a breast pump, briefly exposing her nipples a couple of times while trying to get the apparatus working...
1993: Nemesis
27 years ago today a franchise was born, and while it may be a franchise you've never heard of, believe that it spawned a full compliment of sequels.At some point, it even intersected with the Cyborg franchise and the two are linked somehow. I didn't follow it at the time and I certainly can't be bothered to care about the logistics in 2020. Deborah Shelton plays a cyborg woman of some sort, but she spends roughly 7 minutes of screen time buck naked in the middle of the movie. Why? Couldn't tell ya, just enjoy it for what it is...
1982: The Seduction
After a limited release the week before, this dirty movie starring sultry television star Morgan Fairchild broke wide on this day 38 years ago, but was gone by mid-February. Without getting to cash in on Valentine's Day, the flick made a paltry $4 million at the box office before finding its true home on video cassette and pay cable. That's where the film's reputation flourished, particularly once Falcon Crest made Fairchild a household name in the mid-80s and horny dudes everywhere wanted to see her naked.
Even prior to her participation in this glorified smutty movie, Fairchild had guest starred on nearly every big show of the 70s from Kojak and Police Woman to Dallas and Mork Mindy. She was a known commodity, which should have driven box office, but it just didn't. She holds nothing back, going fully nude to show off every square inch of her nude body, which is a big part of the reason why this film became such a notorious VHS and Skinemax classic...
As an interesting footnote, writer/director David Schmoeller would go on to unleash Puppet Master on the world, courtesy of Charles Band's Full Moon Entertainment, just seven years later. Fun fact, the more you know, and all that.
1982: The Border
Oscar-winning director Tony Richardson (Tom Jones, The Hotel New Hampshire) trains his usually light and airy camera on the very serious subject of a disillusioned INS agent-turned-Texas border guard (Jack Nicholson), and the fallout he faces when presented with a chance at redemption. It's your typical, hard-hitting Jack Nicholson movie where he plays a sullen, dejected man who seeks atonement for a lifetime of sins, this time set against the backdrop of the immigration crisis at the Texas/Mexico border.
Moving from California to Texas, Nicholson's wife—played by the always great Valerie Perrine—begins spending money extravagantly, including buying a new thong which she flashes for the somewhat enraged Nicholson...
Meanwhile,Elpidia Carrillo's infant son has been taken away from her by a crooked border agent (the always crooked Harvey Keitel) and the film's climax finds Nicholson returning the baby to her. Presuming he wants something in return, she begins to undress, but he tells her it's not necessary...
1975: Flesh of the Orchid
Finally, on this day 45 years ago, this French flick made its way Stateside, but while it may sound like a horror movie, it's more of a chamber drama. Charlotte Rampling—then just shy of 30 and only one year removed from The Night Porter—has two nude scenes in the film, stripping down to show full frontal at the 31 minute mark, then whipping off her shirt 40 minutes later to once again reveal her rack...