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Deborah Shelton

Deborah Shelton Nude

Hall of Fame Nudity!

Keywords: Hall of Fame Nudity!, White, Brunette Hair, Medium Breasts, Fake Breasts, Average Body

Nude Roles: 7

Birthplace: Norfolk, Virginia, US

Date of Birth: 11/21/52

8 Blog Posts for this celebrity

Top Deborah Shelton Scenes

Body Double (1984) Sexy, underwear
Nemesis (1993) Nude, breasts, butt 00:32:20 Lovely butt shot and a brief side-glance of Debbie's left doo-dad as she rises from bed to embrace her man. (1 min 18 secs)
Nemesis (1993) Nude, breasts, butt, bush 00:37:00 A long hazy shot of Ms. Shelton's posterior is punctuated as she turns and gives her lover a massive roundhouse to the jaw - thereby divulging two heaving hooters and a quick moment of blissful bush. (1 min 36 secs)
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Former Miss USA Deborah Shelton had shown her Dangerous Cargo (1977), gone Greek in Koritsia me vromika heria (1977), and gotten wet to great effect in Blood Tide (1982), but her film career stalled until Brian De Palma cast her in the 1984 crime-drama Body Double. The film was notorious before production even began, with De Palma attempting to cast porn star Annette Haven in the role that ultimately went to Melanie Griffith. As a gorgeous mystery woman, Deborah jumped into sexy scenes that included changing out of her panties in an upscale store. We'll take two! Following this role, Deborah covered her coochie for three seasons of Dallas before getting her body working double time. Nemesis (1993) featured some feral full frontal, while Sins of the Night (1993) and Silk Degrees (1994) had Shelton shelling out hot love action. And in the post-apocalyptic sequel Circuitry Man II (1994), Deborah doffed her top under the bright desert sun. She's kept herself under wraps since then, appearing clothed in the TV shows The Clinic, High Tide, and Hang Time and in the movies Blood Type (1999) and Sacrifice (2000). She did make an awfully sexy turn in her undies in the 2004 crime-thriller Nightmare Boulevard (also known as Quiet Kill) and in a 2008 episode of Nip/Tuck where she displays a flat stomach and bountiful cleavage while riding Julian McMahon. There's no nip and somehow very little tuck. Despite being almost 60 (!) in that episode, Deborah's body still had us double diddling.


Circuitry Man II (1994) - as Kyle

Silk Degrees (1994) - as Alex Ramsey

Desire (1993) - as Grace Lantel

Nemesis (1993) - as Julian

Nude, breasts, butt, bush 00:37:00 A long hazy shot of Ms. Shelton's posterior is punctuated as she turns and gives her lover a massive roundhouse to the jaw - thereby divulging two heaving hooters and a quick moment of blissful bush. (1 min 36 secs)
Nude, breasts, butt 00:32:20 Lovely butt shot and a brief side-glance of Debbie's left doo-dad as she rises from bed to embrace her man. (1 min 18 secs)
Nude, butt 00:31:12 Deb's derriere can be seen when the camera pans down to her naked, sweaty bod. (10 secs)

Sins of the Night (1993) - as Roxanne Flowers

Blind Vision (1990) - as Leanne Dunaway

Body Double (1984) - as Gloria Revelle

Blood Tide (1982) - as Madeline

Dangerous Cargo (1977) - as NA

Nude, breasts, bush, butt 00:43:41 After the ship is mutinied by the gray haired bad guy, he tried to make Deborah Shelton his new wife by tearing off her clothes. What a jerk! (1 min 35 secs)
Nude, breasts, bush, butt, sexy 01:22:06 Deborah Shelton bares all while the ship blows up! She took another one from the pirate captain for the team. (1 min 58 secs)
Nude, breasts, bush, sexy, underwear 01:02:36 Deborah Shelton screws the pirate captain as a distraction and WHAT a distraction with that bod! (1 min 57 secs)

Koritsia me vromika heria (1977) - as NA

Nude, breasts 01:19:00 Finally, a hair-free look at those hoots! Shelton and her man get down to some long, luxurious lovemakin' and it's tits galore. (2 mins 45 secs)
Nude, breasts 00:26:00 Somebody hand me some scissors! Deb's nude, being spun around in a chair by her dude, but that mane covers most everything but the nips. Nice side nude shot, though. (56 secs)
Nude, breasts, butt, bush 01:24:00 After getting railed, the ravishing Deborah gets dressed, lending a brief bush flash and a couple of casabas to the nudity cause. (45 secs)

TV Shows

Nip/Tuck (2003-2010) - as Marla Middleton

Dallas - as Mandy Winger

The Yellow Rose - as Juliette Hollister

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