Hoffman (1970) is one of those rare dramatic leading roles for Peter Sellers, here playing the titular newly divorced corporate executive who is blackmailing one of his subordinates, Tom (Jeremy Bulloch, aka the guy actually in the Boba Fett suit a decade later). Sensing that this is all a ploy by Hoffman to sleep with her, Tom's fiancée Janet (Sinéad Cusack) goes directly to Hoffman's house to confront him. However, Hoffman is not so much interested in sleeping with her as he is in subordinating her and manipulating her into doing his bidding. It's not so much a sexual seduction as it is a power seduction. It's a damn shame because Sinéad Cusack is drop dead sexy in the flick, especially when she peels down to her bra and undies, as she does at least twice! Too bad Sellers isn't buying it!