Writer-director Ryan Nicholson (Live Feed) continues to shine as one of modern horror's most noteworthy talents on the rise with the uproarious and over-the-top gory-ous Gutterballs (2008). Few other filmmakers, now or ever, could milk so much entertainment out of an insanely sadistic, graphically depicted carnal assault that kicks off a series of barbaric slayings that are frequently sexual in nature. The deviant doings of Gutterballs go down in an all-night disco bowl-o-rama, where two groups of teens attempt to throw strikes, while a sneaky slasher picks the players off. Lest anyone think Gutterballs only satiates on the violence front, consider the naked presence of Candice Lewald, Danielle Munro, and Stephanie Schacter. Those bare-naked bombshells will put a nine pin in your pants.