Cry Wolf (2020) is a Danish crime drama where a social worker named Lars Madsen investigates a family after a fourteen-year-old girl wrote an essay for school that tells all about her stepfather physically abusing her and her siblings. After this essay is handed to Lars, he meets up with the family and finds that that fourteen-year-old girl seems shell-shocked to see him. Lars wants to take immediate action and places the girl and her little brother into foster care. The children's parents, however, adamantly deny the abuse allegations and hire a lawyer to bring their children back. Now Lars has to find a bunch of evidence of abuse to win this case, but he starts to wonder what the truth actually is. Are these children to be believed? Was this all made up or is the case actually worse than he previously thought? We don't know yet and we won't spoil it, but we will spoil the fact that you get to see a beautiful babe go nude. Danish actress Christine Albeck Borge gets into a shower fully nude from boobs to bush. We see this lovely lady standing there and showing off her perky pair and beautiful beaver. She also turns around and shows her buns. We're not lying when we say that Christine Albeck Borge has a gorgeous body and we aren't crying wolf when we tell you that this full-frontal scene is a must-watch. We're howling like a wolf at her full moon and big bare bosoms.