Celine et Julie vont en bateau (1974), or Celine and Julie go Boating, is one strange little movie. It runs over three hours and features wild stuff like parallel worlds, time travel, and a possibly haunted house. Celine's (Juliet Berto) a magician while Julie's (Dominique Labourier) a librarian. The pair meet and grow incredibly close, so much so that they start switching places and longtime friends and lovers don't even notice. One day they end up at a likely haunted house, but completely forget everything that happens when they walk out the door. From there things get even more surreal, with magical candles, time jumps, and the increasingly weird concept of two women living one life. A truly French film, don't go looking for easy answers in this exploration of all sorts of themes including female friendship, predestination, and identity. They don't even actually end up on a boat, that's a big pun about storytelling that you'll only get if you speak French. This one's heady, but filled with two total Betties. At one point in the movie, Juliet Berto has a conversation with her friend while showering in the next room. Though the subtitles sometimes obscure her oompas, you can still manage to get a nice look at those luscious love muffins. There's even a screen cap here so you don't have to mess with the intrusive subtitles if you don't want to. We'd never confuse her for anyone else after seeing those perky tits! But don't worry, we see Julie's jugs a little bit later as she hops in the shower herself. Wow, two nearly identical nude scenes! These pair are alike! Wish there was one scene where they went dyke! Celine and Julie may go boating, but this scene will make you wish they'd gone motor boating!