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Veronica Smirnova

Veronica Smirnova Nude

Brief Nudity

Top Veronica Smirnova Scenes


Since the dawn of the earliest Steven Seagal movie, there has always been a place carved out for some sexy lady to show off some of her finer bodily points. The Foreigner (2003) is no exception to this rule, and the one to play that highly admired and much gawked after position was Veronica Smirnova. In one particular scene, Veronica is getting dressed after what seems to have been a good time with Stevey, and early on we get to see a little bit of her glutes. She also rocks some hardcore cleavage in her black bra. She then went on to appear in the movie about becoming a Hollywood actress, starring Naomi Watts, Ellie Parker (2005), but since then hasn’t made so much as a peep, acting-wise, but she is credited as an associate producer for the film Desert Dancer (2014). Hopefully she’ll make her way back out in front of the camera again.