The Netflix Original Series The Crown follows the early years of the reign of Queen Elizabeth II (Claire Foy). Created by Peter Morgan (Frost/Nixon, The Queen), the first season of the series dealt with Elizabeth becoming Queen as a 25 year old newlywed, thrown into a working relationship with Winston Churchill (John Lithgow), and helping her country through the period following WWII. Sadly there was no nudity in the first season, but things heated up in season two, which begins in 1956 with the Egyptians seizing the Suez Canal. In episode seven, Matthew Goode is shown having sex with two different women! First up he beds a topless Alice Hewkin, having sex with her against a ladder, followed by a topless look at Yolanda Kettle as she lounges around! Emma Corrin takes the sexiness up another notch as a young Diana Spencer in season four, sporting some major nip in a tight blue leotard, before Elizabeth Debicki takes over the role in season five. Elizabeth gives us even more skin as the People's Princess, with some bare back as she gets acupuncture and then when she takes a refreshing dip in a black bathing suit. She even dons the famous "revenge dress" with its off-the-shoulder design and amazing cleavage! Even if you're not particularly interested in the palace intrigue of the British royal family, this show will probably worm its way into your binge-able list sooner than you realize. Throw in the occasional nudity and you have a real winner! The Crown will stimulate your royal family jewels!