If you're in the mood for romance, we've got some skin-filled flicks that are guaranteed to get a "yes" from your significant other should you suggest streaming one of them!
Not only do we get an early nude scene from Gina Gershon in this Tom Cruise vehicle, there's also some scintillating side boob from Elisabeth Shue and a look at Kelly Lynch's bethonged booty!
Boys on the Side
Drew Barrymore goes topless twice in this chick flick, once in bed with Matthew McConaughey and again when she recreates her famous Letterman boob flash, only this time, we get to see them!
Amazon Prime
Angel Heart
Hindsight tells us that Bill Cosby was quite the hypocrite to hold Lisa Bonet's knockout nude scenes in this film against her, but don't forget about the additional nudity from Elizabeth Whitcraft and Charlotte Rampling!
The Big Wedding
An all-star cast assembled for this comedy, including Robin Williams, Robert DeNiro, Amanda Seyfried, Diane Keaton, and Susan Sarandon, but it's Ana Ayora who steals the show by stripping fully nude to go skinny dipping!
Carrie (1976)
Brian DePalma's masterful adaptation of Stephen King's classic novel has some masturbation-worthy opening credits nudes from Sissy Spacek, Nancy Allen, and Cindy Daly!
The Messenger
Finally this week is this Oscar-nominated film from 2009 which also features opening credits nudity, this time from Jena Malone, as well as a fantastic full frontal scene from Lisa Joyce!