Also titled A.C.A.B La serie, this Italian drama series is set in Val di Susa, where a riot squad from the Mobile Unit of Rome is trying to quell protestors. The team’s leader is seriously injured, and Michele (Adriano Giannini), a family man and member of the reformist police is put in charge to take on the rising tensions both within the squad and out in public amidst growing chaos and institutional distrust. If anything could diffuse the situation, it’s boobs! In episode six Rosaria Langellotto does her best to calm things down by taking off her top, but it just makes Pierluigi Gigante more excited and he almost chomps her mouth off trying to make out with her. They eventually make it to the bed, where Rosaria’s amazing ass rocks atop him to the dulcet vocal tones of glam icon Bryan Ferry. It’s enough to cause some pubic disorder in your pants!