Emily Haack in ScrapbookThroughout the Month of October, Count Down the Sexiest Nude Horror Movie Hotties of All Time!

Number 25:Emily Haack

Beginning with her taboo-shattering (and oftentimes chunk-blowing) work with underground horror studio Wicked Pixel, Emily Haack has repeatedly proven herself to be one of the most fearless performers in the realm of extreme terror.

The lushly curvaceous, hefty-hootered, colorfully tattooed Emily endures naked humiliations in the cult shocker Scrapbook that come straight out of the most harrowing true crime case files.

Then, in I Spit on Your Corpse, I Piss on Your Grave, she satisfies herself sexually with a broomstick (in hardcore detail, on camera) before exacting berserk revenge on heap of hapless suckers who wronged her.

Two of Emily’s most recent vividly titled efforts, Bizarre Lust of a Sexual Deviant and Satan’s Cannibal Holocaust, showcase her again at her unclothed, unhinged best.

On top(less) of all that, Emily Haack was one of the very first subjects to a Mr. Skin Skinterview.

Emily Haack in Bizarre Lust of a Sexual DeviantAnd, yes, Haack is this horror hearthrob’s real name!