Misty. Mundae. There lie the two most powerful words in contemporary sexploitation. The five-foot-one brunette bewitcher boasts a powerfully petite build, a one-of-kind face that no camera can resist and a superhumanly sensual screen presence unseen since the hallowed reigns of drive-in sirens on the order of Claudia Jennings () and Cheryl "Rainbeaux" Smith (). In fact, Misty Mundae incandescently embodies the B-Movie Sex Goddess tradition that has evolved through the ages -- from '40s pin-ups to '50s bombshells to swingin' sex kittens of the 60s and 70s to scream queens of the 80s -- but her unique beauty and hip, savvy, dynamic personality have essentially branded the post 2000-era as The Misty Mundae Century.Welcome to it.
Discovered by incendiary filmmaker and provocateur Bill Hellfire in 1998, 18-year-old Misty starred in a series of videos for Hellfire's Factory 2000 studio. Early efforts such as I Was a Teenage Strangler and The Infamous Bondage Murders (both 1998) are fetishistic forays into grim, graphic, stunningly rough-edged material (peddled bluntly in ads as containing elements such as "full nudity, lesbian encounters, chloroforming, strangulation, stabbing, cat fights and female masturbation") that would likely send a few of Misty's more recent fans into full-on head-spins. But beyond the necro-kink chestnuts of Factory 2000's art-punk renegades, Misty also starred in a series of stylish girl-on-girl shorts directed by Hellfire. These videos served as a sort of "ramping up" for her best known, tremendously lucrative work with the New Jersey-based softcore mavens at Seduction Cinema.After a string of Seduction Cinema smashes, including The Erotic Mirror (Picture: - - - ) (2001) and Misty Mundae: Mummy Raider (Picture: - - - - ) (2001), there was no denying Misty's supreme star wattage. In 2002, she signed an exclusive contract with the company and a spate of modern B-classics resulted -- Roxanna (2002), Play-Mate of the Apes (2002) and Lord of the G-Strings (Picture: - - - - ) (2003) -- with more in the pipeline for the months ahead.No longer romantically involved with Hellfire, Misty has also usurped him in the director's chair, having helmed and appeared in two top-notch sapphic scorchers to date: Lustful Addiction (Picture: - - - ) (2003) and Confessions of a Natural Beauty (2004). She also co-starred with real-life sibling Chelsea Mundae in the appropriately-enough monikered Sin Sisters (Picture: - - - - ).
Most recently, the high-profile Spider-Babe (2003) provided Misty with her best, most inventive and sexiest showcase yet -- although the buzz on Seduction's Cinema's upcoming Shock-O-Rama horror production Screaming Dead indicates that Misty is about to ascend to filmdom's very upper-most heights of the Scream Queen pantheon. In the meantime, an ever-expanding fan base that awaits, entranced, for anything and everything that this astonishing new icon has to offer.For MrSkin.com, Misty offered us some time and some great answers to our questions below.
What's the origin of the name Misty Mundae?
Well shucks, I really wish the origins were significant enough that I could recall them. I think I decided on it in the early, early days because it sounded kind of pretty and yet kind of depressing.
You are a very skilled comedic performer and, in the documentaries on many of your DVDs, you come off as naturally witty and hilarious. Who and what makes you laugh?
Well, unfortunately I have a tendency to crack myself up, and that in turn makes people laugh. Does that qualify as being funny? See, I don't know if that is really testimony to my wit or hilarity because I'm often stoned, so naturally I think I'm fucking hilarious.
Misty Mundae, the High School Years: please sum up with three highlights (or lowlights, if those are more interesting).
Lost my virginity at 15, started partying at 14 and finally (drum roll, please....) Prom Queen '96!
How did you land in New Jersey? And what do you love about the Garden State? Why live there and not across the river in New York City (full disclosure: I grew up in NYC and I hate the place. I spent my summers on the Jersey shore and love that place. But, hey, don't let me influence your answer!). What about L.A.?
Jersey's got such a bad rep, man. I live here because I dig it. Granted, I love NYC, too. But like you said, it's right across the river, so why would I subject myself to paying exorbitant amounts of rent for a shoe box apartment? And L.A. really blows. I mean, it's really beautiful out there, much greener and cleaner than the dirty Jersey, but I don't think I relate. Forgive me, but it does seem a little pretentious and super-competitive out there. Yikes.
Has Hollywood come calling in any way, shape or form? And how will you respond?
Hollywood? Come on! Well, listen, in the early days of Factory 2000 I was always hasty to inform my fans that I am not a sell out, that I enjoy the strange sphere of underground and exploitation and it would be from within those genres that I would carve my name upon the tit of pop culture. Now, that was about five years ago and since then I have proven to myself (and my fans, if they are feeling perceptive) that I am the biggest fucking sell-out imaginable, doing whatever project offered me the most money! So, if Hollywood came a knockin', I would probably revise my outlook on L.A.
What do you do for, you know, "kicks"? What's Misty Mundae's idea of a good time or a fun night out?
Well, I regret to inform everyone that it usually does not entail lavish orgies or swing sessions. I'm probably pretty lame. My boyfriend and I go to bars and play pool. I smoke grass and play guitar during the commercial breaks of old game shows. Living with my ex-boyfriend for four years actually induced a bit of agoraphobia in me, nowadays I make people come to my apartment and listen to my records so I don't have to physically leave my place. See, told you I was lame.
In Sin Sisters, you work with your real-life sister, Chelsea Mundae. Are you on similarly good terms with the rest of your family?
Yes. My whole family is super-groovy. Well, aren't we all a little dysfunctional?
Are there any contemporary underground filmmakers that you think are great and are not getting proper credit (I've been pushing an incredible talent named John Moritsugu for years).
Yes. Hell yes! Damon Packard. This man is insane, and he crafted the most psychotic epic of an underground film I have ever seen. I think a really big ongoing theme in his masterpiece was how television retards your mind, so unfortunately all of these very deliberate references to popular culture make for a copy written nightmare. This movie is literally impossible to distribute, but people can acquire it nonetheless. The name of the movie is Reflections of Evil and the filmmaker is Damon Packard.
Do you collect films on DVD? If so, how big is your collection and what are some of your favorites? What's in your DVD player right now?
C'mon baby! It's all about the VHS. Vinyl and VHS! I'm a fucking dinosaur. But I have a fairly decent collection, mostly weird obscure stuff or old school slasher movies. I'll go check what's in there right now. Ha! Oh man, you don't want to know. But last night we watched some Jan Svankmier.
Will you continue to write and direct films? If so, do you think you'll ever branch out into other genres artistically, perhaps even films with no nudity?
Wow, no nudity. Now there is something to think about. Well, now I have to pursue this writing/directing thing so I can write myself in with clothes on! Damn! No, but seriously, yes absolutely. I can't wait to direct something really amazing. And I will.
In our present world of bare-down-down below starlets, you've opted to pretty much keep the nether-hairstyling of the 70s alive. And at Mr. Skin, where "furburgerage" is our business, it's just one of many things that we adore you for! Is this an actual decision on your part and, if so, is it aesthetic or just a matter of comfort?
Both. Aesthetically I feel that the 70's had it right with regards to more than just pubic hair. And besides I am lazy and I have more important things to do than remove hair from every inch of my body every damn day. That shit is time consuming. My morning routine consists of washing my hair, getting dressed and putting sun block on my face. Ladies, where do you find the patience?
What exactly is it like to perform sex scenes with women that you're very friendly off-camera? You and Ruby LaRocca were even roommates for a while. Does that make home life more or less comfortable--or does it have any effect at all?
It doesn't necessarily have any affect. It's just work. Granted, we want these scenes to be sexy and realistic, and if I am really friendly with the other woman that makes my job a little easier (the sexy and realistic part). So I am actually really grateful to work with someone I know and trust.
What was the most fun sex scene you ever filmed?
Well, any shoot with Darian Caine is fun because she is always laughing, and her laughter is very infectious. She's fun!
Describe the ultimate Misty Mundae dream project.
I'm actually working on writing a psychedelic fairy tale adaptation. It would border on horror, and contain plenty of sex that doesn't get people off; but rather frighten them.
Misty Mundae in five years: please envision.
Oh man, that could be bleak. I always cop out on this question and tell people that I'll be living in a trailer and drinking beer out of the can. The trailer part has a tinge of sincerity, but I prefer whiskey.
Gene, Paul, Ace or Peter?
Micky, Davy, Mike or Peter?
Hmmm, pass.
Lina or Soledad?
Vampira or Elvira?
O.K. Now it's your turn.
This one's a no-brainer... Lennon or McCartney?
McCartney. All the way.
Neil Young or Lynard Skynard? (Another no-brainer)
Neil Young. But it's close.
Ooooh, this ones tricky...Dylan or Donovan? (Psst... the right answer is Dylan)
I can't argue with you, Misty ....
(Special thanks to The Mobius Home Video Forum: mhvf.net)