It’s no secret that the film industry loves to make mob movies from Francis Ford Coppola’s Godfather (1972-1990) trilogy to Martin Scorsese’s Goodfellas (1990), Casino (1995) and The Irishman (2019) with A Bronx Tale (1993) and Donnie Brasco (1997) in between. Due to these flicks, audiences believe Italian-Americans and the mafia are synomous yet only 0.3% of the demographic is actually involved in organized crime. We’re not sure if Jonathan Demme’s R-rated comedy Married to the Mob (1988) contributes to this misrepresentation, especially since his cast consists of actors who aren’t of Italian descent. Nevertheless, they play characters named Connie Russo (Mercedes Ruehl), Frankie “The Cucumber” de Marco (Alec Baldwin), Rose (Joan Cusack), Theresa (Ellen Foley), Uncle Joe Russo (Al Lewis), and Angela de Marco (Michelle Pfeiffer). For her performance, the latter lady was nominated for Best Actress in a Comedy or Musical by the Hollywood Foreign Press. When Tony “The Tiger” Russo (Academy Award and Golden Globe nominee Dean Stockwell) is investigated by undercover FBI Agent Mike Downey (Matthew Modine), Ms. Pfeiffer, Ms. Ruehl and Ms. Cusack keep their guns covered. Luckily, we do get to see the bare breasts on Karen Lutnick (Nancy Travis) when she takes a bubble bath. Rub a dub dub! If that’s not titillating enough, the naked gangster’s moll also shows off her nude booty in bed. In fact, Ms. Travis is seen puffing on a cigarette to prove she’s literally smoking hot. Careful Nancy, you’re liable to start a fire ... in Mr. Skin’s pants!