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Laura Bach

Laura Bach Nude

Brief Nudity

Keywords: Brief Nudity, White, Brunette Hair, Large Breasts, Real Breasts, Skinny Body

Nude Roles: 1

AKA: Laura Stein, Laura Sabbia

Top Laura Bach Scenes

Kicking the Dog (2009) Sexy, underwear
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After working with low-budget horror director Jay Lee in her first two features, The Slaughter (2006) and Zombie Strippers! (2008), Laura Bach abandoned the fright-flick genre to appear in movies like Frame of Mind (2009) with Chris Noth and the teen sex comedy Kicking the Dog (2009). She went on to work with Lee and her Zombie Strippers! costar Roxy Saint again in The House with 100 Eyes (2013), for which she also served as a producer. Somehow Laura has managed to keep her clothes on in every film she’s been in so far, but if she sticks to sex comedies and horror movies, that can’t last forever. Mr Skin is hoping her first nude scene will be the skinematic equivalent of the Brandenburg Concertos.