The four-part mini-series Donna Roma is a German television thriller that follows Berlin crime profiler Friederike Heisenberg (Jutta Speidel) as she attempts to help solve various murders. In the first episode, Friederike must travel to Rome to assist in the investigation of a murder revolving around the surprisingly dangerous world of art forgery. The second episode has the pretty profiler hot on the trail of a killer in a church. In subsequent scenarios, Friederike must try to figure out whose killing homeless people, and she’s also put on the case of the death of highly-respected forensic psychologist. But it’s not all crime and death for the investigator; she finds time to stoke a love affair with fellow detective Marcello Pascarella (Luca Barbareschi). While Jutta Speidel, Annika Blendl, and Valentina Lodovini look downright sexy, it is Elisabetta Rocchetti that steps up and gives us a quick look at her post-mortem mams while resting on the autopsy slab. These are the kind of chicks we’d love to skinvestigate!