If Blake Lively was your aunt, wouldn't you try to pull some La Luna (1979) shenanigans with her? We would.
Blake tells Starpluse about an unusual encounter with her 4-year-old nephew that happened before her recent appearance on the Late Show with David Letterman:
"He was tattling on his older brother and he comes running in and I said, ‘No, no, no, don’t come in, I’m naked’ It was from behind and I was covering myself from the front and he walks in and it was a little too late. He just sees me and turns beet red and then, like, folds over laughing."
"And then later he came back again and he wanted me to throw him on the bed and he’s pulling open the door and I said, ‘I can’t, I’m naked again,’ and he goes, ‘Can I see, can I see?’ He’s four. That’s not OK."
Good luck, kid, because you just got the peeper's equivalent of crystal meth- one hit, and you'll spend the rest of your life trying to re-create that first high.
See more hot content from Savages (2012) and Gossip Girl star Blake Lively, including the nude cell phone pics that leaked earlier this year, right here at MrSkin.com