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Aerines siopes

Aerines siopes

No Nudity


What’s Greek for ‘terrible soap opera’? Opéra terrible de savon? No, that’s French. Schreckliche Seife Oper? Oh no, that’d be German. Opera terribile del sapone? Hmm… no, that’s Italian. So what would be Greek for terrible soap opera… OH! I know! It’s Aerines Siopes! Unrealistic characters, ridiculous dialogue, awful performances and enough sap to drown a redwood, this Air Force-based soap is supposed to be about how hard it is to balance a love life and flying time, but it failed so miserably in portraying either that it was pulled after a season. The one positive aspect of the show was that it further showcased one of the wonders of the Greek world, the fabulous Leda Matsaggou, who got very damn naked in O Ergenis three years earlier. We like Leda a lot. We think Leda should learn English and come do Shannon Tweedmovies. But as for this awful soap opera, as the Greeks would say, “SCATA!”