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Victoria Foyt

Victoria Foyt Nude

Brief Nudity

Keywords: Brief Nudity, White, Brunette Hair, Medium Breasts, Real Breasts, Average Body

Nude Roles: 2

Birthplace: , US

Top Victoria Foyt Scenes

Déjà Vu (1997) Sexy, underwear
Going Shopping (2005) Sexy, underwear
Going Shopping (2005) Nude, breasts, underwear 00:37:00 Victoria whirls around, wearing an open robe and a bra that, happily, does not hide either of her rosy nips. (8 secs)
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For the most part, you won’t find sophisticated sex bomb Victoria Foyt without her husband, director Henry Jaglom--they’re a package deal. With Victoria as the writer and lead actress and Jaglom at the helm, the pair has made five films together. And hubby must keep a watchful eye on his slinky bride, as Vic has only dared to bare in but one title, the drama Déjà Vu (1997). She shows a little deja boob, which is something you definitely won’t get the feeling you’ve seen before! A rare on-screen outing sans husband, in Random Acts (2001), failed to produce random acts of nudeness, and her most recent effort, Going Shopping (2005), didn’t offer any salacious fitting-room flesh.