All of us can look forward to one day, if we are lucky and have not croaked off or reverted to a vegetative state in the meantime, a creaky old age in which our physical passions are catered to by nothing more than our pleasant memories. One lesson of The Notebook (2004) is that it is never too early to start jotting down those rousing recollections, to be pulled out and read at an opportune nursing-home moment, when the old gal in the next bed is susceptible to a story of true teenage love deferred for the sake of disapproving parents. No lonely granny can resist the tale of a romance rekindled once the youngsters have reached the age of consent and claimed mates of their own. Will true love triumph over the stodgy strictures of frowning society? For the sake of the old codger angling to score, we’d better hope so! For the viewers out there simply looking to get off, the Notebook offers something for you too! The always hot Rachel McAdams shows her beautiful tits a total of three times throughout the course of the flick. The first time occurs at the 81 minute mark, when the formal mean girl gets nice and graciously gives us a couple peeks at her right teat as she and her man run up the stairs and do the deed. A few minutes later, there's another few shadowy glimpses at her gourds as she romps with Gosling. You'll be getting good and hard at any age watching this!