Originally titled Envy with the foreboding tagline, "welcome to the dark corner of the human heart," The New Girlfriend debuted in 1999 starring Linda Cropper as Kate, Anna Lise Phillips as Rachel, and Jeff Truman as Phil. Taking place in Australia, the action heats up when Kate sees Rachel steal her dress and decides, against the counsel of her dude, Phil, to steal it back. Taking more strange revenge, Rachel decides to kidnap and abuse Kate and Phil’s son, Matt (Wade Osborne) in an escalating trend of violence. It’s not fun for anybody. The film ends tragically when something happens! Something! Find out for yourself!
Speaking of lands down under, Anna Lise Phillips, gives us a view of some Aussie mountain tops when she sheds her shirt. And you know what’s under a shirt! Huh? No, it’s not books and candy. It’s boobs! Boobs boobs boobs!