Nine years ago today, a former Chicago Mercantile employee and obsessive celebrity nudity fan reinvented himself online as Mr. Skin.
Five minutes after going live, attracted its very first official membership.
The rest, as we say, is Skinstory.
Back in 1999, suburban Chicago native Jim McBride combined his incendiary passion for famous women in the buff with his superhuman knowledge of what films and TV shows in which you could see them, to create the ultimate online warehouse of female celebrity flesh.
That would be And as a treat, enjoy Mr. Skin’s all-time favorite celebrity nude scene, featuring Phoebe Cates from Fast Times at Ridgemont High.
A skinstant success from the get-go, Mr. Skin rocketed into the pop-culture stratosphere after a live 2000 appearance on The Howard Stern Show, where both the man and his website have remained a Stern staple ever since.
Five years later, Mr. Skin conquered new media by publishing his first book, Mr. Skin’s Skincyclopedia: The A to Z Guide to Finding Your Favorite Actresses Naked (St. Martins).
Naturally(?), then, Hollywood came calling and, in 2007, figured as the surprise guest star of the Judd Apatow comedy blockbuster Knocked Up.
Later that year came the arrival of a second resource text, Mr. Skin’s Skintastic Video Guide.
As a solid decade looms on the horizon, Mr. Skin recently reinvented the site to be a one-stop, over-the-top(less) resource for all the latest Hollywood news and nudes.
Who knows what the future might bring? You will, if you just stick around (pun, as always, intended) to log in, turn on, and pop off to Hollywood at its hottest! Fast-Forwards to the Good Parts for the First Time -- August 10, 1999
Tagged in: Mr Skin, Phoebe Cates, Fast Times at Ridgemont High, Knocked Up, Judd Apatow