Brunette beauty Janet Margolin was an actress best known for her work in Annie Hall (1977), Ghostbusters II (1989), and Take the Money and Run (1969). Janet was born in New York City on July 25, 1943 and died on December 17, 1993 in Los Angeles at the age of 50. Janet made her onscreen debut in the TV series The Edge of Night in 1961 and went on to appear in fifty films and TV series. Janet shows some skin in Lanigan’s Rabbi, but our favorite place to see her strip down is in the film Last Embrace (1979). We get a look at Janet with her luscious legs spread in some sexy lingerie. Yes, please! Then we get a peek at her perky, perfect tits while she fools around with a lucky guy in the bathtub. We get one more look at those terrific ta-tas when she’s interrupted while taking a shower. We’d love to share an embrace with this Last Embrace star! Unfortunately for the skin fiends of the world, that was the last we saw of Janet in a fully nude role. She did, however, continue working in showbiz into the 90's albeit mostly on the boob tube. It would be great if "boob tube" actually referred to the bulbous chesticles we've all come to appreciate. In the case of Janet it only means she had roles in the hit shows Columbo and Murder, She Wrote. You're actually murdering our balls with your lack of nudity, Janet!