A crazed cannibal has a taste for daddy meat in the gross-out shocker Father's Day (2011) Ahab (Adam Brooks) is out for revenge against the fat fuck who assaulted and murdered his dad on Father’s Day. Joining his righteous fight against the killer known as The Fuchman (Mackenzie Murdock) is his estranged stripper sister Chelsea (Amy Groening), priest John Sullivan (Matthew Kennedy), and Twink (Conor Sweeney), a hustler with a temper. If you can get past the father-sex and junk mutilation, Father's Day will reward you with a bounty of female nudity. Jynx Vandersteen and Andrea Felldin bare boobsters as strippers 20 minutes in, Zsuzsi will get you revved up as the topless “Chainsaw Ripper”, and Amy shakes her moneymaker throughout as the sexy sister with a taste for vengeance. Father's Day will have you spilling baby batter.