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Elisabeth-Marie Leistikow

Elisabeth-Marie Leistikow Nude

Brief Nudity

Keywords: Brief Nudity, White, Brunette Hair, Small Breasts, Real Breasts, Skinny Body

Nude Roles: 1

Birthplace: , DE

Top Elisabeth-Marie Leistikow Scenes

Ins Blaue (2012) Nude, breasts Elisabeth-Marie's scintillating silhouette is visible behind the shower door, then a tiny sliver of right breast through an open crack. (32 secs)
Ins Blaue (2012) Nude, breasts, butt, bush Elisabeth-Marie is filming a sex scene with a much older gentleman. She bares it all, but we get the best view when she changes her mind and leaps out of bed. (2 mins 24 secs)
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She's only appeared in one feature film-- German director Rudolf Thome's realist behind-the-scenes drama Ins Blaue (Into the Blue) (2012)-- but we know more about Elisabeth-Marie Leistikow than we do about many more prolific actresses...ones we haven't seen strip completely nude skinny-dipping and on the set of a movie-within-a-movie, anyway. And all Mr. Skin has to say is Leisti-wow


Ins Blaue (2012) - as Laura

Nude, breasts, butt, bush See everything when Elisabeth-Marie, Janina, and Esther wake up in a tent, then all run naked into the ocean for a swim. Is this heaven? (2 mins 50 secs)
Nude, breasts, butt, bush Elisabeth-Marie is filming a sex scene with a much older gentleman. She bares it all, but we get the best view when she changes her mind and leaps out of bed. (2 mins 24 secs)
Nude, breasts Elisabeth-Marie's scintillating silhouette is visible behind the shower door, then a tiny sliver of right breast through an open crack. (32 secs)
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