Crazyhead is an English six part TV series created by Howard Overman and starring Cara Theobold, Susan Wokoma, and Tony Curran. This Buffy the Vampire Slayer-esque comedy horror series follows Amy and Raquel, two friends in their early twenties who struggle to live their everyday lives while moonlighting fighting demonic beings. The creatures might be demonic but the bits of nudity we get in this series are positively heavenly! The ravishing Riann Steele gets sexy for her role as a young vampire. We see Riann in just some bitty black lingerie feeding on a sexy sleeping dude before she gets tasered by Amy and Raquel. This vivacious vampiress certainly got our blood pumping! Now if only our babe-alicious British Buffys would lose their clothes in the line of duty! Aren’t there any demons that eat pants?