With her bright brown eyes and huge, shining smile, Brittany Allen has the power to make men melt. That's a skill that must have come in handy in her chilly hometown of Toronto, where Brittany studied theater at the Etobicoke School of the Arts and the Sheridan Institute for Technology and Advanced Learning while appearing in TV movies in her native Canada. Brittany's big break came in the form of daytime soap All My Children, where she appeared from 2009 to 2010 and for which she received a Daytime Emmy in 2011. Now all grown up (and out), Brittany has moved on to more adult fare like the sci-fi series Defiance and Lost Girl and the sci-fi movies Extraterrestrial (2014), It Stains the Sands Red (2016), and Jigsaw (2017). In all of these she looked hot as hellworld and in some she even stripped down to her underwear, but in none did she show us her girls. She finally bore breasts in the Mexican-American mystery film Backgammon (2015) when the red-headed minx played boob-gammon by unbuttoning her shirt. She showed off her ass in The Boys as Popclaw which definitely brought all the boys to her yard. In the Canadian horror-thriller What Keeps you Alive, she kept audiences alive with lesbian kisses. The best role, however? It's definitely in The Definites (2017) when this sexpot went full frontal. She skinny-dipped and showed the camera her wet bush. We wouldn't mind a little midnight rendezvous with Brit for some skinny dipping ourselves! Brittany Allen is a nudity stallion!