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Blue Jean

Blue Jean (2023)

Great Nudity!

Top Scene


Rosy McEwen plays the titular Jean, a secondary school PE teacher in Newcastle who is starting to explore her lesbianism during a time in the 1980’s when the British government is enacting a law aimed at prohibiting anything it feels promotes homosexuality in schools. So it’s no wonder that her career, her livelihood, feels threatened when she spots one of her students while out at a lesbian bar with her girlfriend Viv (Kerrie Hayes) despite all her best attempts to keep her sexuality hidden and separate from her professional world. Luckily, the thing that’s not hidden are Rosy’s perky pair! She and nudecomer Kerrie go topless in bed together and we see Rosy’s rack in the bathtub, while Izzy Neish also makes her nude debut showing her tatted tits in a kitchen. You’ll be creaming your blue jeans!