Spring Symphony (1983) is worth seeing if only for Nastassja Kinski, certainly one of cinema’s hottest hotties, and here in from an era of her hottest hotness. It’s a love story, too, which is good, but taking place in a more repressive 1800 Germany. Of course, as the title suggests, the principles are musicians, musical geniuses in fact, Clara Wieck, Nasstassja’s character, an infamous piano virtuoso, and Robert Schumann, the egotistical composer, played by Herber Gronemeyer. Considering this is a movie that stars Nastassja, it’s surprisingly chaste, but she does manage to let one of her tits pop out of her dress somewhat incidentally about a half-hour into the movie. That’s our girl, though we’d have preferred to see her girls, and ass, and bush, and...well, you get it.