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She answers the phone Concetta Kirshner, but the world knows her as Princess Superstar. Her Russian-Polish-Jewish-Sicilian heritage created not only a blonde goddess that oozes sex like fat guys bleed sweat on a summer day, but a great white hope rapper with lyrical skills garnering her comparisons to Eminem and bawdy rhymes that cause her to be called the white Lil' Kim.

But this Princess rules a kinkdom all her own. Check out a sample from her single "Bad Babysitter" from Princess Superstar Is: "Kid you gotta go to bed/I know it's only six but my boy just came over and he wants me to give him head."

Mr. Skin caught up with her royal raunchiness after she finished up at yoga. She was sweaty, loose, and ready to shake her verbal caboose about her music, her groupies, and her infamous Penthouse pictorial.

Are you related to Don Kirshner?

You know who he is, right?
The rock show, yeah.

Did you used to watch Don Kirschner's Rock Concert?
That was before my time, thankfully. So, yeah, I know about him, but we're not related.

Is your song "Bad Babysitter" based on personal experience?
I was bad, but I was also good. I'd make sure the kid was OK before I did anything bad, like I'd make sure the kid was asleep.

What kind of bad things did you do when the kid was asleep?
The usual: have a boy over, raid the refrigerator, try on the clothes . . .

Try on the clothes? I didn't know that was the usual.
Well, OK, the usual in my book.

You have a single called "Fuck Me on the Dance Floor". What's that about?
It's actually a love song about music in general. For me, really good music is like really good sex, so I wrote a song called "Fuck Me on the Dance Floor" that was kind of like about when a DJ is really great it's kind of like having sex.

How's that?
Sometimes music is even better than sex [laughs]. Music makes you feel so much, if you're really getting into it and lost in it. It's exactly like that moment when you're about to come.

Were you able to duplicate that sensation on record?
I tried.

Do people get off when they're listening to it?
They say so.

You were just on MTV's Made. Did you give the girl a slut makeover?
No, it was harmless. I did try to make her sexy, but after all she was only fifteen so I didn't want to push it. It was more like an internal confidence makeover. She was bullied a lot in school, so I just told her how to be kick-ass.

You don't seem to have an internal confidence problem. I understand that Princess Superstar has her fair share of groupies when you're on the road.
Yeah, I do; a lot of nervous boys. I do have some nerdy guys, but also some skater boys. It really depends. The one thing they have in common is that they're pretty nervous when they come to talk to me. It's pretty funny, because when guy rock stars have girl groupies, they scream and throw themselves at them. But I think guys are a little bit more shy and wary of girls. I'm totally into it. I'm so proud, I love it to death, but my wild days are over.

No more Led Zeppelin antics from you?
No more candy bars going up their asses or anything [laughs].

Those days are behind you. That's a shame.
I had my fun.

So groupies think you're hot, but what do you get off on?
If someone makes me laugh hysterically, that's hot to me. Also, on a guy, I like the two bones that stick out above the pelvis. That's hot. I like a guy who's following their passion. That's hot.

What about the first sex scene in a mainstream movie that you've seen, how hot was that?
Does Blue Lagoon (Picture: - ) count? That was huge for me. It was so exciting and I've been forever trying to recapture that energy in my own way. I had seen books. My parents had The Joy of Sex and I remember Judy Blume had stuff in it, but I think Blue Lagoon was the first time I had ever actually seen anything dirty. It wasn't that dirty, it was pretty tame I'm sure. But for me it was dirty. I just remember that [Christopher Atkins] was so fucking hot! Like, oh my God, I was so in love with him. The idea of being on an island was so amazing because your parents weren't around and you could do whatever you wanted. I just remember getting really turned on.

Speaking of turn-ons, what happened to that Penthouse spread you posed for?
It was in England, it was Penthouse and this magazine Ice. Basically I didn't want to do any nudity, so we just did some provocative pictures where it was 1970s style, jeans cut-off shorts, really funny and more tongue-in-cheek than anything. Ice published it, but Penthouse didn't.

Did they ever tell you why?
I think it's because they wanted nudity.

Why wouldn't you get naked?
Because for me I really like being provocative and sexy, but I think it's way more provocative to be mysterious and not let everything hang out.

Someone once told me that once he saw the tits, it was over. The attraction was gone.
Yeah, that's exactly how I'd relate it.

I read in Jane magazine a diary entry of yours about visiting the Gaiety, a New York City gay strip joint. Do you frequent topless bars too?
I've gone with friends to topless bars. It used to be raunchy and I used to like weird places like Baby Doll Lounge, but now it's so clean and all the girls look the same. It's kind of boring. So I don't go. But the Gaiety was really fun, I mean, oh my God, yeah! There are these gorgeous guys getting completely naked to the funniest, cheesiest music. My favorite part is that they'd come out wearing these socks and shoes, but be butt naked. It's hilarious [laughs]. It was hot, but unsettling.

What if you're a toe or ankle fetishist, what do you do? You'll feel ripped off. The best part is still covered.
I know, exactly. That's the mystery!

I heard that Sarah Jessica Parker's a fan and used your single "Wet, Wet, Wet" in Sex and the City. Are you a fan of the show?
Yeah, it's a good show, but I don't watch much TV.

Do you think it's a fair representation of sex in your city?
Ah, not really. I'm sure that certain elements of that exist. I don't know, first of all, where does she get all her money? She's a writer!

Are there any actresses that you think are hot?
Strictly men for me, but Scarlett Johansson (Picture: ) is pretty. I don't really like the Hollywood actress look at all. I do like Showgirls. It's hilarious. My favorite line is when she says "Ver-sayce" instead of Versace. That's a great line. Plus, Gina Gershon's hot (Picture: 1). It's very compelling. I want to know what's going to happen. It's very silly and campy, but it does definitely interest you in the plot, for sure.

I want to see the sequel where Nomi goes into L.A.
Are they going to do that?

If I have any say in the matter.
Yeah, me too!

All photos of Princess Superstar courtesy of PrincessSuperstar.com.

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